Newborn sessions...why should I have one? | Cornwall, Ontario

Welcoming a little person into your family is a huge deal!!  Especially since one of you have been carrying this little human around with you for the past 9 months, the emotions run very high...excitement, apprehension, joy, the sense of accomplishment & wonder at this new little person you created.  All of these emotions wrapped together, photography will preserve these emotions & you will remember them every time you see the images.  The one thing I truly regret is not investing more into professional photography when my children were newborns.  Having a baby is a HUGE milestone in your life & deserves to be captured by quality photography!  There is a very limited time frame to capture these images, considering someone to document & record this most precious time in your child's life can be very important.


We all take hundreds of images of our newborn baby, many with our spouse or other family members but very few (if none) with ourselves in them.  Even though we are not feeling 100% after baby is born, it truly is important that your children see one day how excited you both were to have them.  You will have images of you & your spouse with you new little baby, something you may not have been able to experience since one of you would have been taking the photograph.


Babies grow fast....I mean incredibly fast!!  When your newborn is placed in your arms for the first time you will think "my goodness they are SO small", those first few days flash by in a whirlwind of feedings, sleepless nights, visitors & diaper changing.  The next thing you know, two weeks have blurred by & it leaves you thinking "how did that happen?"  The "fresh" newborn look of a baby does not last very long, as babies grow & change every day!  Fresh 48 sessions are the ultimate why to document the true freshness of a newborn.  These sessions are scheduled within the first 48 hours after your little ones arrival & can be photographed either in the hospital or your own home.  

Newborn studio sessions are generally scheduled during the first 6 - 12 days after birth, babies tend to love being wrapped, love to be curled up & sleep a little more deeply.  Once they approach the two week mark, they begin to lose the "newborn" look, they occasionally begin to develop baby acne, are awake for longer periods of time & tend to like to cluster feed.  In home lifestyle newborn sessions are a perfect option for a older newborn baby.


Considering a photographer for you to hand your sweet newborn over to, can be a difficult decision!  Posing a newborn is a great responsibility, their little bodies are still adjusting to life outside of the womb & you must be able to trust the photographer handling your most precious little one!  After having six of my own babies & photographing 30 + clients newborns, I have come to realize how important my career as a photographer is!  I am capturing moments in time for each of my clients, that can never be is something I don't take lightly! I truly am thankful to each & every client that has spent time with me while they were still recovering from delivery!  I know it's not easy but they truly value my work & put their trust in me at each session, which I am honestly grateful for!


In short, you don't necessarily need to have a newborn session done...let's face it obviously not everyone does.  But, I can tell you from past experiences that you may regret that decision months or years after...I know we all take numerous photographs with our iPhones or point-shoot cameras, I know I did...but there will always be a little bit of regret that I will feel for not taking that time & investment to properly capture them as a newborn.  I am so excited when a client reaches out & schedules their newborn session, it means they will have lasting memories of their newborn baby...that thought puts a smile on my face & warmth in my heart!!


Fresh 48 Session | Cornwall & Winchester, Ontario


In-Home Fresh 48 Session | Cornwall, Ontario