Summer Mini Session | Green Valley, Ontario

I know the title to this feature is “Summer Mini Session” but this session was actually early summer…more like late spring! It was cooler still without the heat & humidity we had later during the summer months.

Never less, this fam jam were such a pleasure to work with! Meet Grace & her parents Meghan plus Hank…the cutest little family you’ll meet!! Grace is the sweetest little girl, all smiles, cuddles & wild hair….just like my youngest daughter!

Her parents are super sweet & kind people…they were always ready for cuddle & tickle time which makes my job super easy!

Grace loved snuggling with Daddy, the way these two interact with each other warms your heart! Hank scooped up Grace right away & gave her a gentle embrace. Grace throughly enjoyed the hug & the extra heat the embrace offered!

Little Grace did'n’t forget about Mommy…she saved tons of kisses & laughter for her!

Once the formalities were done, it was time for some serious flower picking! Grace loved adventuring through the yard & picking some dandelions for her parents…plus herself!

Many times during sessions with little ones, we take a break & let them adventure on their own. They are able to loosen up & can find things that interest them…flower picking, sticks, leaves, bugs, rocks or interesting plants. As parents we rarely have images of our children being themselves & finding these little treasures…one day very soon, these parents will look back at those images & will cherish them as their children grow!

Thank you to Meghan, Hank & Grace for the wonderful session we had together! Meghan had answered in her questionnaire, that they were all shy people & would take a while to loosen up….not true!! These three were full of smiles from the first image & I don’t think they stopped smiling till they drove out of the driveway!

Are you interested in scheduling a family session this year? Very limited session available this fall, clients have booked their session VERY early this year!!! Please contact Jenn to find out remaining availability.

Also, interested in a Holiday Mini?? If you are, please sign up for the V.I.P List on the site…clients on this list will have first choice for session times! FYI - dates will be released next week & I have a feeling these are going to fill VERY quickly this year!!!


Baby Girl Studio Session | Green Valley, Ontario


Welcome Home - In Home Newborn | Cornwall, Ontario