In Home Newborn Session | Alexandria, Ontario

Today’s blog is all about the beauty of in home newborn sessions & again wonderful clients! Rachelle & Matt were the stars of last weeks post, only seems fitting to feature their newborn session also!! In home newborn sessions are a relaxing way to capture the first few days at home with your little one. Everyday moments are captured, moments that you otherwise may miss out on!

When I arrived at their home, Rachelle was giving Oliver his first bath at home! I was able to capture many images of what will become a typical task for the next 5-6 years…but yet many of us don’t have images of us, as parents during bath time. I may just have to make a note in my welcome packet, to consider baby’s first bath during a in home newborn session!!

There is just something about black & white images, it may be how these type of images cut out all the distractions (colours) to show emotion in a image so well. Your eye tends to go right where the photographer wants your attention to go in an image, without being distracted by other elements. I don’t tend to processes a whole session in black & white, but sometimes I do and I love the results!!

Oliver was a little superstar during our whole session, he loved having a bath & was super comfy, snuggly & warm all wrapped up…he didn’t make a peep during our time together! I had brought along two of my favourite props & I just ADORE the images that I was able to capture for one of my favourite clients!!

Many clients are completely unsure when it comes to having a in home session, but as you can see it can be totally worth it! This session was captured on their kitchen table for the bath & in Oliver’s nursery….that’s it! Believe me, being a mother myself I am not expecting your home to be spotless or perfect! I do hope having a session in your home will produce happy, relaxed clients that are ready to interact with each other & their newest family addition! I am beyond excited to be able to capture Oliver’s growth over his first year!! Let the adventure begin!!!


Country Maternity Session | Cornwall, Ontario


Fresh 48 | Cornwall, Ontario