Watermelon Cake Smash | Cornwall, Ontario

I love cake smash sessions!!! These sessions are exclusive to Milestone Collection clients & are sessions of achievement (for baby & parents), happiness but with a small, tiny, twinge of sadness…especially on my part. I have had the pleasure of photographing these little ones, since they were days old & now we are at our last session together. So, it does make me a little bit sad…you develop a friendship with the family & it’s always hard to not see them every 4 to 5 months. Okay, enough with the sadness party….bring on the fun part!!

Sweet Amelia had a watermelon smash instead of cake, she has a little bit of tummy issues so cake was out of the question. Since her favourite food was watermelon, we went with the instead & her resulting session was perfect!

Her older sister joined in the fun, I mean who doesn’t love watermelon? Plus you can eat it with your hands, which in little kids minds is the perfect way to eat many things but it’s frowned upon by grown ups.

I may have to suggest watermelon sessions more often to Milestone Clients!! Everyone was happy, sticky & a little damp from the juice but the session was a huge success!! Interested in what a Milestone Collection is? You are able to find more information about this collection here or if you have some questions, please feel free to send me a message & I can get those questions answered for you!


Studio Newborn Session | Cornwall, Ontario


Family Session | Cornwall, Ontario