Fall Family Session | Glengarry, Ontario

Fall…one of my favourite times of the year!! Not only for the colours but I am not a huge fan of heat waves!! Sure I love them on vacation down south but not at home while you have to work..yuck!

Anyways, back to fall….I truly enjoy family sessions, especially in the fall & especially with this family!! I have been lucky enough to photograph them on a number of occasions but this session was by far my favourite! Mostly because Hudson & I finally became friends….LOL!!! Kirk & Jenna’s youngest son Hudson…we haven’t always been buddies…for the first 3 sessions that I worked with these kiddo’s, Hudson I think actually growled at me! Just kidding….but we really weren’t friends at all, Jenna can attest that he wasn’t very found of being in front of the camera…but luckily I never gave up & neither did Jenna!

Our fall session had the perfect weather & we used my new favourite location!! I seriously LOVE this location….especially for fall sessions!!

These two boys….they are the sweetest little guys!! Not only do they love to hang out with each other & their parents but love their little sister too!! They were the sweetest towards her…making sure she didn’t fall & always willing to hold her hands!

My favourite images from this session…hmmm…..all of them!! Seriously…there is no way I could choose one or two images!! I am sure Jenna & Kirk have their fav’s but as a photographer it was SO hard to narrow down their session!

Thank you to the MacMillan’s for trusting me to capture memories for their family….actually, thank you to Kirk for purchasing the session for Jenna! High fives to you Kirk!!

Interested in learning more about family sessions? You are able to find all the information you need on the site by visiting here…already know you would like More than a Moment to photograph your family!! Awesome…you can send a quick message & we can chat about your ideas for your own family!!

Summer dates are very limited this year, going to enjoy my own family this summer…especially with my oldest going to college in the fall!!! To learn about dates available for summer sessions, please feel free to get in touch!!


Baby Girl | Cornwall, Ontario


Winter Maternity Session | Cornwall, Ontario