Tips for a DIY newborn photos | Cornwall & Ottawa Newborn Photographer

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know how much I adore photographing newborn sessions! They are at the top of my list of “favourite sessions”, the wispy hair, tiny fingers, the way they love to be snuggled, tiny feet, how sleepy they can be & just looking at them while thinking “who will you become?”…makes me smile everytime!!

Unfortunately, with all the craziness of COVID-19, the Ontario government has deemed certain businesses to be “unnecessary” & all of my sessions have been postponed, including newborn sessions! * insert sad face here* Newborn sessions are a very time sensitive type of session, studio sessions are the most successful within 7 to 12 days after birth & Fresh 48 sessions are within the first 48 hours after baby arrives. Making many clients that were interested or have booked a newborn session out of luck.

Today, I will give you some tips to help you photograph your newborn with a DIY newborn session of your own. While the images may not turn out exactly how you wanted, the main point to remember is that you have the images…they will be cherished regardless if you took them or a professional takes them!

For your DIY newborn photos, we aren’t going to get all technical with different wrapping or posing them in a prop. Professional newborn photographers take years of courses, hours of practicing & have plenty of experience handling newborns when posing in props or on beanbags. Please don’t attempt these poses at home, instead focus on more of a lifestyle approach…lots of snuggling, baby in their basinet or crib & of their features..these can be done safely!

What age should I photograph my newborn?

Right away! Newborns change SO quickly..within a matter of weeks their features change, they grow, for some they begin to lose their hair or in other cases their hair comes in! You want to remember every change, as much as possible! Begin to take images in the hospital & then a week later while at home, you will see a difference already!

My favourites to see on social media are the monthly updated images as baby grows…I should have done that!

Consider purchasing a blanket that has either a monthly printout on it or a saying of “watch me grow, month #….” which you could change yourself with a number block, could spell out with blocks or make paper numbers. Those take literally a matter of minutes but you & your family will cherish those images as your child grows!

Finding light..

This is going to be a game changer for you…finding the right light for you to photograph your newborn! Light is such an important element in photography, but it can be so confusing & very difficult to understand…I am going to TRY to keep it simple for you though! Windows…your welcome!

Windows obviously provide light but the trick is to chose the right window. Avoid windows with direct sunlight & opt instead for windows facing North is possible. If it’s not possible, choose the time of day that your windows don’t have direct sunlight. For example, if I have only East facing windows I would chose mid morning to use those windows, by 11am the sun has moved & the light will be softer. Not harsh light, direct light that causes shadows.

Even when your in the hospital, you can find beautiful light…roll the bassinet up right beside your window & take images of baby all wrapped up. Make sure to position the bassinet length wise along the window, that way you have even light along their whole body. Positioning them head first towards the window, will cause shadows in their eyes & under their nose.

If possible turn off all other lights in the room, mixing the light from the natural light the window has & artificial light from inside will make weird colour combinations in your images.

Don’t forget the details!

Your newborn will change very quickly over the next year! Make sure to make time for their little details those are always my clients favourites!!

Focus on capturing their toes, hands, hair, their face, fingers & a fave of mine, them holding your fingers!! That little hand in comparison to your adult hand…such a gorgeous image! While in the hospital or shortly after you arrive home, wrap baby with just their diaper on & focus on capturing those little details. Or while you after changing their diaper, lie baby on your bed & capture details then.

It’s easiest to capture details while baby is swaddled or wrapped in warm blankets, there is less failing of their arms & legs. If you aren’t such how to swaddle or wrap them securely, I made a blog post featuring just that! Check it out here…swaddle time!

Keep baby comfortable

Newborns love warmth & security…think of where they just came from! Space was tight, they were all curled up & were very warm in there! Swaddling helps to keep baby secure & provide the warmth they are seeking, which in turn helps to keep them calm & sleepy!

Turn off any air conditioners you may have running, we may be warm but I can almost guarantee your baby doesn’t feel the same! Wrap them with a thinner blanket first or their swaddle blanket & then wrap them a second time with your favourite receiving blanket for pictures. You can then change the top blanket as many times as you like…a certain colour for on your bed, a different one for in their crib & another one for images with their siblings or a individual image with Mom or Dad.

Wrapping baby in this way gives you the ability to change the look but helps to keep your baby sleeping & comfortable! Do keep an eye out for any signs that baby is overheating, damp hair, rapid breathing or dampness on their neck can be some signs baby is too hot.

Please focus your images!!

This seems to be something many people forget to do & it results in blurry images! Let your phone or camera lock focus before taking the picture!

Not sure how to do that?? If you still have the owner manual, take a peek in there for tips on how to focus properly or hop on our favourite search engine…Google! Type in your camera or phones make & model, you should be able to find some helpful information.

Every camera & phone has a focus point…on my phone it’s a square & on all my camera’s it more like a dot. Make sure to position that focus point on the part of the image you want to be in focus, for example your baby’s face. Either tap the shutter button or tap the focus point on the screen….most focus points will light up either green or sometimes red. This is usually your sign that it has focused, then take the image…try to not take 40 images at once, take them one at a time. Keep in mind, your arm is like the tripod or stand for your camera/phone, meaning you need to keep it as still as possible for acute focusing.


Oh boy this is always a fun one! I remember how hard it was to get my older children in an image with their newborn sibling…whew it was hard work!! If there is one thing to take away from this feature….don’t worry about perfection, especially with siblings!!

Keep it very causal, forcing them is a sure fire way to have a meltdown with any older sibling. This is a huge change for them & they haven't yet understood what this little human is doing here, in their home! I have to share?!? HUH??

Have Dad hold baby & ask their sibling to join them, they can take turns counting fingers, giving baby a kiss or read them a story. Place baby down in their crib & let your little one play peek a boo with baby.. when they have had a enough..they’re done! Try again later or tomorrow, maybe this time with Dad holding the camera or phone & Mom gets to hop in the photos!

K.I.S.S (keep it simple silly)

If you have made it this far, congratulations!!! You will be taking some beautiful images of your new addition when they arrive!! Last tip…keep it simple silly!

This tip is the most important one of all…keep things simple! You will be exhausted, lacking sleep, unsure if you are doing things right, worried about laundry & dreading making supper…the last thing you need to add to the list is taking gorgeous images that are perfect! Take a deep breath…you’ve got this!! The laundry will wait, no one is judging your house (especially right now!) & enjoy these moments! Have fun taking images of your new baby…take a couple a day & then put the camera/phone away.

Add in props such as the quilt great grandma made, the little booties your sister bought, the beautiful teddy your mother in law gifted baby or your favourite sleeper you purchased. Another idea is to use these items to practice taking images before baby arrives! Try moving the teddy to different windows, see how the light is different each time & practice focusing with your camera/phone…practice makes perfect! It’s actually the perfect time to do this, as many of us have some extra time on our hands lately!

Keep your poses simple, baby wrapped up sleeping on your bed, in their crib, in your arms or Dad’s arms are perfect! Share them with grandparents, friends & family members as many won’t be able to hold or see baby personally themselves during these uncertain times! Take short videos of them sleeping, awake, changing their diaper or even while they are crying…this time is short…really it is! These moments will change & the focus should be on capturing this time of your life, with less emphasis on perfection!

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to reach out & ask them! I will be happy to help guide you towards taking images of your family during these uncertain times!

Would you like to learn more about my newborn services? Expecting later this year & fingers crossed we are able to work together? Take a peek at some more information about a newborn session, I am working really hard on updating the site & would love to hear your thoughts on the changes!!

I am still working on things but there is still tons to learn & see right now!

Like to get in touch with me & ask a question or purchase a gift certificate? Send me a note & I’ll get back to you ASAP!


Welcome to the world Abigail | Cornwall, Ottawa & Montreal Newborn Photographer


Welcome to the world Harvey | Cornwall, Ottawa & Montreal Newborn Photographer