Horse + Rider Session | South Glengarry, Ontario

My first love was horses, when I was younger all I dreamed about was horses! I had tons of equine books, all the Black Stallion novels, Breyer model horses, my own barn & even had a notebook full of barn design plans plus other imaginary horse plans!!! I was obsessed!!

I was lucky enough to have saved enough money to purchase my own horse, a 2 year old Arabian at the age of 12!! The obsession continued through high school & I even went to college for Equine studies. After finishing two diploma’s in college & working as a show groom for a member of the Canadian Equestrian Team, I even shipped my gelding from Thunder Bay to Hudson, Quebec!!

Needless to say, children & life have gotten in my way when it comes to my love for horses! But I have begun to take riding lessons again every week, which provides me with the best of both worlds!! Horse time without the extra investment of owning one!!

Today’s feature is a horsey one!! Featuring beautiful Grace & her lovely paint mare during a recent Horse + Rider session from September!

We lucked out with amazing weather that evening!! Beautiful golden light, in the corner of the back pasture at CV Performance Horses just outside of Martintown, Ontario. Grace has owned her mare for a few years & since she is getting a little older, it was time for some images with her!

Not only is Grace a lover of horses but she is also a musician!!! She is a self taught guitar player, who has begun to accept gigs & was in need of images for promotion too!!

Grace is a natural in front of the camera!! I even asked if she has modelled before, she just laughed & said “I get asked that all the time!!” She is such a beautiful young woman who is super talented musically & is making a huge move next year to further her musical career next year!!

I throughly enjoyed our session together with this quiet & confident young lady!! Her mother Mary, joined us behind the camera & did a great job “horse sitting” plus being my assistant with the reflector!! Thank you ladies for the perfect session!!!

Interested in a Horse + Rider session for you or a loved one?? Awesome!!! With Christmas literally around the corner, a gift certificate for a session next summer is the perfect idea for the equine lover in your life!! Please send me a message to learn all about Horse + Rider sessions!!


Stonehouse Vineyards Engagement Session Glengarry, Ontario


Stonehouse Vineyards Family Session | Glengarry, Ontario